Pressure of Fingers
Shiatsu literally means pressure of fingers. Although it is not solely about this technique, pressure of fingers on certain points on the meridians is important. The pressure is applied using the natural weight of the therapist (using thumbs, elbows, feet). This pressure significantly influences the energy flowing through meridians. This is the energy that we refer to as Ki.

Ki (qi in Chinese) in itself is invisible. However, in certain situations, the results of its “work” are strongly visible on the body. It is thanks to Ki that a wound heals “by itself”. Ki is the name for universal life power. Ki is a vibration with no beginning and no end. It keeps changing, like everything in the universe. All that exists has been created by this power. When a person is active and looks healthy, it shows that they have plenty of Ki. When energy flows fluently in the body, everything works well. However, when energy flows slowly, we feel weak and tired and we can fall ill, eventually. During shiatsu, we stimulate the body, so that it gets energy and can use it. The energy flow can become smooth.

Meridians are channels through which Ki flows. In certain body areas, they follow the same lines as muscles and veins. They are not visible because they do not have any material form, but they are easy to feel and play several important roles: they control movements in the body (blood, air, water, gas); connect head, arms and legs with the chest; facilitate communication between the outer and inner environment as well as the upper and lower parts of the body, they control (regulate) the activity of the organs.

There are 12 basic meridians flowing in the body. Each corresponds to one of the 12 basic body organs and carries its name (e.g. the heart meridian, the kidney meridian…). The meridian is not related just to the organ itself. According to the Eastern concept, it also relates to the function of the relevant organ. For instance, the large intestine takes care of elimination. At the emotional level, it is related to loss, separation, the ability to free oneself from problems etc. The patient concerned may have problems with constipation, but great financial expenses may influence the large intestine as well.

Yang meridians are on the back and the outer surfaces of arms and legs. They belong to the organs of the digestive tract, the so-called hollow organs (stomach, the intestines, urinary and gall bladder). Yin meridians are places on the front parts of the body and the internal surfaces of arms and legs. They belong to the so-called solid organs, organs with specific tissue (lung, spleen, heart, kidney, liver).

Tsubo (classic acupuncture points) are points of the meridians characterised by Ki accumulation. Ki is easier to contact and manipulate through them (in the good sense). From the energy point of view, a tsubo is bulb-shaped with narrow neck on the skin surface and bulging belly inside the body. We exert pressure to contact Ki at the point. Each point has its specific characteristics or effects.

Everything on Earth has its point of balance, so does the human. It is located in the hara, an area around the navel, the physical centre of gravity. Hara is the physical as well as energetic centre of the body, which needs to be strengthened. Digestion occurs here; food is broken down and transformed into energy. In this area, the human foetus develops and gets its physical charge, vital for its early growth.

During shiatsu, palpating the hara gives us an image of the diagnosis of individual organs and meridians. At the same time, shiatsu is most efficient when it is coming from the therapist’s hara and when the therapist is connected to the earth through the hara. We can strengthen it either by regular shiatsu treatment or by individual work through exercise, mediation or simply being aware and living with it.Copyright © 2010 | Tvorba web stránok abWEB.skIt also focuses on observing nature and its regular and logical transformations. If we fail to respect them, we expose ourselves to the risk of disharmony, which ultimately leads to disease. Shiatsu uses the same energy channels and points in the body as acupuncture. During shiatsu, however, they are stimulated in a much gentler way – by touch of palms, pressure of thumbs, and, in adults also the pressure of elbows or feet. Apart from working with the points, it also contains various techniques such as limb stretching to open the joints to energy flow, breathing exercises, kneading, heating, vibrations, shaking… Shiatsu belongs among massage techniques but given its ability to work with the body’s energy, it influences its energy and thus stimulates the correct functioning of internal organs.

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